The Story of


Graphic Design
Social Media

One of our differentiation factors was having a dedicated client portal. It makes it simple to manage all our clients' deisgn jobs in one place. The ManyRequests team is constantly improving as well, we're big fans!

James Alberts, Co-Founder


Started in 2023, DesignGuru offers an entire creative department for a flat monthly fee.

Their services range from design, video, UI/UX with a team of 15 dedicated designers and project managers.

In less than a year they have worked with over 100 clients, delivered 1500+ projects, and have an average rating of 4.92/5.

designguru pricing


One of the key consideration of DesignGuru when choosing a platform to run their operations was scalability and client experience.

In order to differentiate their business, they wanted to provide a self-service portal where customers could make their own design requests.

Another important requirement was running all their operations in one place:

- Client onboarding

- Billing

- Design project tracking

- Revisions

- File sharing


With ManyRequests, DesignGuru was able to scale at a fast rate, achieving double digits monthly growth and completing 1500 projects.

All their design tasks are now centralized and clients can easily request design assets in one place.

Key criteria

Centralized task management and communication

All communication now takes place in one single portal under DesignGuru brand, which saves them time.

Project briefing

Clients can choose over 200+ types of design with custom project briefs with conditional rules, which allows DesignGuru's team to know exactly the requirements ahead of each design request.

Design Proofing & Revisions

Once design assets are delivered, DesignGuru's clients can easily annotate design, and the designers can mark annotations as completed and deliver all deliverables in one place.


DesignGuru team of project managers can easily see designer performance, capacity, and customer satisfaction in one place.

With ManyRequests we're able not only to track designer performance but also client satisfaction as we've enabled the client ratings feature where clients can rate the work of our designers after each job. This allows us to spot issues early and ensure overall client satisfaction.

Ursula Florence
DesignGuru, Head of Customer Success

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