6 Simple Hacks to Automate Client Onboarding

Regina Ongkiko
Last Updated:
September 4, 2024

You’re probably here because you’re looking for the most effective ways to automate client onboarding. 

You’re in the right place—client onboarding can be tedious, especially if done manually, but it doesn’t have to be. Automated onboarding is within your reach, and we’ve put together an easy-to-follow guide. 

We’ll start by aligning on what client onboarding means, its benefits, and the steps in implementing automated onboarding. We’ll also do a quick walkthrough of how you can leverage ManyRequests. Finally, we’ve compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on automating onboarding. 

Understanding client onboarding automation

Client onboarding automation uses technology to streamline the process of welcoming new clients to your business. 

Here’s how it works: Instead of manually handling every task—like sending welcome emails, collecting information, or setting up accounts—these processes are set up to happen automatically, based on triggers or predefined rules.

When your business can successfully automate client onboarding, you can save time, maximize resources, reduce errors, and get off to a great start with your new clients. 

More than 60% of customers shared that the onboarding experience is a factor they consider when deciding whether or not to subscribe to a particular service or product. 

What does this mean? This means that even before new clients sign a deal with your agency, they are already considering the onboarding experience they are yet to receive. 

6 steps to automate client onboarding

Ready to streamline your client onboarding process? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you automate it effectively. Each step ensures you cover all the bases so your clients have a smooth (and it can even be enjoyable!) onboarding experience.

Step 1: Map out your onboarding process

First things first. Review your current onboarding process and identify the different stages of your customer onboarding journey. Before you dive into onboarding automation, you need to have a clear understanding of how your customer moves through onboarding—from initial contact to the final output. 

Here’s a quick checklist of things you need to do under this step:

  • Define your goals for onboarding because these will guide your automation strategy.
  • Create a detailed flowchart. Visualize each step of the process.
  • Do an inventory of milestones and touchpoints. Examples include signing the contract and NDA, filling out the brand guidelines, or submitting company information.
  • Involve your team in the mapping process so you don’t leave behind any critical step.

Step 2: Pinpoint areas you can automate

Once you have a clear map of your onboarding process, it’s time to pinpoint the specific areas where automation will have the most significant impact. Look for tasks that are repetitive, time-consuming, or prone to human error.

  • Prioritize tasks that require consistency, such as sending welcome emails or follow-up reminders. 
  • Automate data collection by using forms or questionnaires that clients can fill out themselves, reducing the back-and-forth with your team.
  • Consider automating client communication through pre-scheduled emails, chatbots, or SMS updates to keep clients informed without manual effort. For example, you can set up automated emails at the start of each week that give clients a rundown of what to expect in their onboarding for that week. 

Remember that while automation has many benefits and can make the onboarding process more standardized, human connection is still invaluable. Aim to craft a balance. 

Step 3: Choose your tech stack and tools

Your tech stack should include tools that can integrate smoothly with what you already have. Remember, automation software exists to complement and improve your process—but not to completely eradicate what’s already working.

Still trying to figure out where to begin? Check out our comprehensive guide on client onboarding software.

Step 4: Design and setup the workflow 

It’s time to design the workflow to guide clients through the onboarding process. This involves setting up the automation tools you’ve chosen to handle your identified tasks. If you’re new to this, you can start by exploring the following features and functionalities most onboarding automation tools have.

  • Templates for emails and forms: These ensure consistency and save time during setup.
  • Triggers and criteria: Set up triggers based on client actions, such as automatically sending a welcome email when a new client signs up. 
  • Design flexible workflows that can accommodate different client needs or paths, ensuring that the process feels personalized rather than robotic.

Step 5: Test and gather feedback continuously

Your automated workflow is now set up, hooray! Now what? Now, the testing begins. Before rolling it out to all clients, you must ensure that everything works as expected. Testing allows you to catch any issues early and adjust before impacting the client experience.

  • Run through the process as if you were a client to identify any pain points or confusion that could arise.
  • Gather feedback from team members using the system daily to ensure it meets their needs.
  • Consider a pilot phase where you implement the automation with a small group of clients, gathering their feedback before a full-scale rollout.

Step 6: Optimize, optimize, and optimize

Automation isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it solution. Continuous optimization makes your onboarding process efficient and effective. As you gather data and feedback, look for opportunities to refine and improve your workflows. Here’s how you can go about it:

  • Review key metrics, such as time to onboard, client satisfaction, and completion rates, regularly to identify areas for improvement.
  • Update templates and workflows based on client feedback and changes in your business processes.

Using ManyRequests for client onboarding automation

ManyRequests is a powerful tool designed to simplify and automate client onboarding. Our platform offers a comprehensive onboarding feature that allows businesses to automate critical aspects of the client onboarding process. 

For starters, here’s a quick list of the features you can easily leverage for onboarding automation:

  • Customizable workflows: With ManyRequests, you can create tailored workflows that guide clients through each step of the onboarding process. 
  • Automated communications: The platform allows you to automate communications, such as welcome emails, reminders, and follow-ups, based on client actions or timelines. 
  • Client portal: ManyRequests provides a centralized client portal where clients can access all the necessary information, complete tasks, and track where they’re already at in the entire onboarding journey.
  • Task management: You can set up tasks for your clients to complete during the onboarding process, such as filling out forms or submitting documents. 
  • Analytics and reporting: The platform offers detailed analytics and reporting features that allow you to monitor what’s happening.  You can track metrics like completion rates, time to onboard, and client satisfaction, helping you identify areas for improvement.

Setting up ManyRequests for your business

Getting started with ManyRequests is straightforward, and the platform is designed to be user-friendly, even for those new to automation.

  • Step 1: Create your ManyRequests account. Once you're in, you can start by setting up your company profile and customizing the client portal with your branding, logos, and colors. 
  • Step 2: Define the milestones your clients need to complete. Arrange these steps correctly and set up triggers that automatically move clients to the next step based on their actions.
  • Step 3: Set up automated emails for each stage. You can start with welcome messages, reminders, and progress updates. 
  • Step 4: Define the tasks clients must complete during the onboarding process. Assign these tasks within the platform and set up automated reminders.
  • Step 5: Test the workflows you’ve set up. Consider using a few trial clients to ensure everything runs smoothly, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve addressed some of the most common queries to help you better understand client onboarding automation and how to maximize ManyRequests.

Question 1: What types of businesses can benefit from client onboarding automation?

Automation in client onboarding is beneficial for a wide range of businesses, especially those that handle a high volume of clients or have complex onboarding processes. 

Service-based businesses such as agencies, consultancies, and SaaS providers usually need a consistent and structured onboarding process. Subscription-based companies can use automation to ensure that customers receive all necessary information and resources immediately after purchase, enhancing the customer experience.

Question 2: How secure is the data handled through ManyRequests?

Data security is a top priority for ManyRequests. The platform employs industry-standard security measures to protect your clients' sensitive information. We also conduct regular security audits and updates to ensure that the platform remains secure against potential threats.

Question 3: Can I customize the onboarding process for different types of clients?

Yes, you can create different workflows for different types of clients, ensuring that each client receives the most relevant information and tasks based on their unique requirements. This flexibility ensures that you can offer a personalized client onboarding experience, even within an automated framework.

Question 4: How does ManyRequests integrate with other tools I already use?

ManyRequests integrates seamlessly with many existing tools and platforms, helping you create a cohesive tech stack for managing client onboarding. You can check our integrations here.

Question 5: What kind of support can I expect when using ManyRequests?

The ManyRequests Help Center has tutorials, guides, and FAQs covering everything from getting started to advanced features. These help you troubleshoot and learn at your own pace. If you’re new to automation, ManyRequests offers onboarding assistance to help you set up your workflows and get everything running smoothly.

Make the switch now—automated onboarding will transform your customer experience.

Automating your client onboarding process is more than just a time-saver—it’s a way to provide better customer experiences for each new client. 

Ready to take your client onboarding to the next level? With ManyRequests, you can automate your entire onboarding process, ensuring that every client receives the attention they deserve, without adding extra work to your plate.

Sign up for a free trial today and experience the power of automation firsthand.