Top 10 Client Onboarding Software for Agencies in 2024

Regina Ongkiko
Last Updated:
August 22, 2024

Agencies are too familiar with the adage, “first impressions matter.” Aside from how you close new deals and clients, how you onboard a new client sets the tone for your working relationship. A smooth and efficient onboarding process builds trust and helps your agency hit the ground running right away. 

With your team and client aligned from Day One, a promising partnership is just around the corner.

Top 10 Client Onboarding Software for Agencies - ManyRequests, ClickUp, Notion, GuideCX, Clientary, Content Snare, UserGuiding, ProcessKit, ClustDoc, OnRamp

Why should you invest in an agency client onboarding software?

Client onboarding can be time-consuming. If not done efficiently, it can cause delays and frustrations for the agency and the client. Poor onboarding experiences are 23% of the reasons for customer churn. 

This is where client onboarding software comes in. Using client onboarding software poses the following benefits:

  • Streamlines the process and makes onboarding a smooth and pleasant client experience
  • Improves customer retention since 63% of clients believe that their onboarding experience contributes to their decision whether or not to continue their subscription
  • It turns satisfied clients into advocates, which can bring in referrals—over 90% of consumers trust recommendations from their families and friends

Put simply, client satisfaction must be at each stage of the customer journey. The onboarding journey is often neglected since agencies tend to focus on the work itself.

10 client onboarding software for agencies we recommend

Here’s a comprehensive list of ten agency client onboarding software you can start exploring:

1. ManyRequests

ManyRequests is an all-in-one project management software designed for service businesses. It stands out because it carefully ties in client onboarding features to offer a seamless customer journey—from when a client signs up to onboarding, managing requests, tracking progress, and communicating constantly. Its most notable features include:

  • Automated client onboarding workflows: Instead of back-and-forth emails, ManyRequests offers a unified and guided experience that new clients can interact and engage with. Clients can easily see where they’re at in the onboarding process, and what is coming up next. This helps them to have full context of the entire process instead of following along blindly.
  • Client portals: Centralized portal with all the necessary tools to get started and keep going. Clients can also communicate with the agencies directly via the same platform. Each step of the onboarding process can be accessed and monitored here. Once onboarding has been completed, the client portal then serves as a venue for the clients and agencies to work on specific projects and tasks together.
  • Comprehensive reporting: Provide transparency at its best with real-time views on progress, output, and even timesheets. Yes, this includes accessing data regarding your clients’ onboarding process. You’ll be able to see their progress and where most clients often get stuck or lag behind. That way, you can continue to improve your process.


  • Modern and intuitive interface that agencies and clients can easily adapt to
  • Highly customizable to fit different agency needs across industries
  • Centralizes all client communication in one platform
  • Supports seamless payment processing


  • Limited integrations compared to some other platforms.

Pricing: (14-day free trial available)

  • Starter ($99/month if paid monthly; $79/month if paid yearly)
  • Core ($149/month if paid monthly; $119/month if paid yearly)
  • Pro ($399/month if paid monthly; $319/month if paid yearly)
  • Enterprise (Book a call with the ManyRequests team for a custom quote)

2. ClickUp

ClickUp’s robust task management features and customizable workflows make it a top agency client onboarding software. Favorite features for onboarding include:

  • Customizable forms: Enables agencies to be very specific about the information or documents needed from clients during onboarding
  • Goal setting and progress tracking: Keeps the agency and the client aligned on what’s happening and what’s going to happen next
  • Multiple view options: Individuals can choose which view works best for them in terms of providing clarity and details


  • Extremely customizable, allowing you to tailor workflows to your agency's needs.
  • Supports a wide range of integrations.
  • Offers both simple and advanced project management tools.
  • Provides a free plan with substantial features.


  • Can be overwhelming for new users due to the vast array of features.
  • Some advanced features are locked behind higher-tier plans.


  • Free plan available
  • Unlimited: $7/month per user
  • Business: $12/month per user
  • Enterprise: Contact ClickUp team for the exact pricing

3. Notion

Notion offers agencies a workspace that combines note-taking, task management, and information centralization. For client onboarding, Notion can help agencies create dedicated spaces per client where all relevant information and tasks can be easily viewed and monitored.

Its best features include:

  • Tailored onboarding templates: Agencies can easily choose from among 5,000 templates and customize them accordingly for specific processes and workflows
  • Database management: Database management for organizing information, tasks, files, and other data
  • Integrated task management: Tasks can easily be created, monitored, and accessed from anywhere within the platform, ensuring seamless workflows and easy access to resources


  • Highly flexible and adaptable to different workflows
  • User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop features
  • Supports collaboration and sharing in real-time
  • Affordable pricing, even for small teams


  • Lacks some advanced project management features
  • Can require significant setup time to create custom workflows


  • Free plan available
  • Plus: $12 per seat/month ($10 when paid yearly)
  • Business: $18 per seat/month ($15 when paid yearly)
  • Enterprise: Contact the Notion sales team 

4. GuideCX

GuideCX focuses on efficiency, engagement, and visibility to deliver a truly seamless onboarding process for new clients. This is made possible by these top features:

  • Automated task management: Automate task assignments, updates, and reminders so agencies don’t have to do them manually every time a new client is added.
  • Project visibility and transparency: Provides a clear, client-facing view of project progress thanks to client-facing dashboards 
  • Hassle-free accessibility: Convenience at its finest—projects can be accessed via an email link, web portal, or mobile app with a simple click and no login required. 


  • Supports seamless integration with popular CRM and project management tools.
  • Client collaboration features include shared timelines and task lists.
  • Templates drastically reduce the time needed to start onboarding workflows from scratch


  • The learning curve for some may be steeper
  • Advanced features may be too expensive for smaller teams or agencies
  • Lead time may be required to set up, customize, and test workflows


  • Starts at $143/license for Starter Plan; Price increases for Premium and Advanced but you will need to book a demo to get the exact price

5. Clientary

Clientary’s features revolve around client management—from the proposal stage to the invoicing stage. It removes the need to jump from one app to one document, from one platform to another. Its special features include:

  • Proposal and contract management: Complete with support for e-signatures, this feature simplifies the proposal and closing stages. 
  • Automated invoicing and payment reminders: Invoices can be generated automatically from the data in the platform. Payments can be collected via credit card or other offline methods.
  • Project management: Track time and monitor deliverables while managing projects with budgets, deadlines, and rates.


  • A one-stop portal for easy access to invoices, project status, and communication.
  • Comprehensive tool covering all aspects of client management.
  • Simple and user-friendly interface.


  • May lack advanced project management features.
  • Limited customization options for client portals.

Pricing: (14-day free trial available)

  • Basic: $19/month
  • Team: $39/month
  • Agency: $59/month

6. Content Snare

Self-declared “the easy way to get information from clients,” Content Snare is designed to do just that. It simplifies the often tedious process and minimizes the back-and-forth during the initial onboarding stage. 

Here’s how Content Snare does it:

  • Customizable request forms: Create client discovery questionnaires or other request forms with a comprehensive questionnaire complete with checklists, tables, and conditional formatting
  • Automated reminders to clients: Reduces manual effort and time spent on following up
  • Centralized dashboard: Keeps track of all content and document submissions in one place for easy access


  • Streamlines content collection from clients.
  • Reduces the time spent chasing clients for information.
  • Simple and easy to use for both agencies and clients.
  • Easily integrates with popular project management tools.


  • Limited to content and document collection
  • Lacks broader onboarding features
  • May not be necessary for agencies with simple content needs.


  • Basic: $29 per month when billed annually; $39 per month when billed monthly
  • Plus: $59 per month when billed annually; $71 per month when billed monthly
  • Pro: $99 per month when billed annually; $119 per month when billed monthly
  • Custom: $179+ per month when billed annually; $215+ per month when billed monthly

7. UserGuiding

With UserGuiding, agencies can create interactive guides and walkthroughs to ensure smooth onboarding and ongoing collaboration. Notable features include:

  • Onboarding checklists: Give your clients a glimpse of where they’re at and what’s to come
  • Multi-language support: This makes UserGuiding a great choice for global agencies serving global clients
  • Knowledge base: Set up a comprehensive knowledge base where clients can access resources anytime.


  • Easy to use, even for those without technical skills.
  • Helps reduce the learning curve for complex products.
  • Provides detailed analytics to improve onboarding content.


  • Primarily focused on software products, limiting its appeal to other industries.
  • May be overkill for simpler onboarding needs.

Pricing: (14-day free trial available)

  • Basic: $89/month if billed yearly; $129 per month if billed monthly
  • Professional: $249/month if billed yearly; $399 per month if billed monthly
  • Corporate: Contact the UserGuiding team for a custom quote

8. ProcessKit

ProcessKit helps agencies automate client onboarding, allowing clients to reduce time and focus on the delivery. 

Its noteworthy features are:

  • Huge collection of onboarding templates: Make onboarding templates as comprehensive as possible with conditional logic, specific fields, and automation.
  • Automated assignments and notifications: Standardize the onboarding process with logic, dependencies, and key milestones.
  • Progress tracker: Track where your clients are in their onboarding journey with a real-time Kanban view. 


  • Supports integration with a wide range of tools.
  • Clear and organized process documentation.


  • Requires time to set up and customize processes.
  • Best suited for agencies with well-defined processes in place.


  • $39/month if paid annually; $49/month if paid monthly

9. Clustdoc

Clustdoc essentially turns the client onboarding process on autopilot. Here are the features of Clustdoc that make it a great investment for agencies:

  • Industry-specific workflows: Build custom workflows for finance, real estate, legal services, administration, consulting, and insurance. 
  • Interactive flows on multiple devices: Clients can conveniently go through onboarding from a free mobile app when they’re on the go.
  • Guest access management: Agencies can easily share output for clients’ feedback and approval within the platform. 


  • Reduces the time spent on manual document management
  • Synchronizes with cloud storage services
  • Custom client portal for centralized information management
  • Online payment module available


  • Can be overwhelming due to the multiple features
  • Form builder can be smoother and more comprehensive

Pricing: (7-day free trial)

  • Gold: $100/month
  • Platinum: $350/month
  • Enterprise: Contact their team for a custom quote

10. OnRamp

Building the foundation for a strong client-agency relationship is made possible by OnRamp. The platform helps streamline client onboarding and combines internal task management with a customer portal. Its top features include:

  • Process automation: Create a guided experience for your clients as they complete onboarding tasks within the portal. 
  • Customer-facing portal: Streamline communication with clients through task-specific comments, automated reminders, and opportunities for feedback.
  • Onboarding insights: Get a glimpse of the onboarding progress with data showing task completion time and identifying bottlenecks.


  • Provides a clear overview of the onboarding progress 
  • Integrates with a wide tech stack that most agencies already use
  • Multiple options for project views
  • One-stop file storage system


  • May require time to set up and customize workflows
  • Advanced features may cost more


  • Book a demo with them to get a quote

Ready to transform the onboarding experience for your clients?

Thanks for taking the time to explore our comprehensive guide to top client onboarding software for agencies. We hope you gained clarity and insights on the right agency client onboarding software for your needs. 

For agencies prioritizing flexibility and detailed task descriptions, ClickUp offers customizable workflows and task templates. However, Notion can be your go-to platform if you focus on simplicity and straightforward processes. But if you’re looking for an all-in-one solution that streamlines client requests, invoicing, payment, and communication from onboarding to ongoing collaboration—ManyRequests is the top choice.

Choosing the right software can transform your clients’ experience with your agency. Take the time to assess your and your clients’ needs before deciding which software to invest in. If you need a more comprehensive walkthrough, ManyRequests offers a free 14-day trial. Go ahead and start exploring the many ways you can transform your onboarding.